I help individuals and small businesses step into the XXI century. I create personalized websites for them, ensuring a professional online presence.

Let's create something

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Collage of mockups with my website

UI/UX Design, Frontend Development, Content Creation, DevOps

Behind the scenes of my website

After several months of designing, coding, and writing, I've finally published my website.

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A mock-up of a laptop and smartphone with the An-lam website

UI/UX Design, Frontend Development, Content Creation, DevOps

An-lam - business website

An-lam is a small polish local business repairing boats and yachts. Its niche character makes it interesting also for distant clients.

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Profile picture where I'm in a white t-shirt on gray gradient background. Half of my face is in the shadow. The other half is correctly illuminated.

Hello, my name is

Matthew Gorzelinski

I’m an engineer and humanist. In one? Is it legal?

I develop my technical skills and humanistic interests by designing, coding, and writing content for websites. I mainly use Figma, JAMstack, pen, and paper as my tools. You can find the effects of that development in my portfolio.

If you’re interested in more details about my stuff, you can check what else I use.

I learn new things daily, explore different fields of knowledge, rummage around the web, theorize, and analyze too much. I share my findings and thoughts on my blog.

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Recent posts

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Teal icing cupcakes decorated with sprinkles
October 21, 2023 • 5 min read

TypeScript Decorators

Let's learn how to decorate our cak... code with TypeScript Decorators. Decorators are a tasty addition to classes and provide meta-programming syntax.

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3D render of a human brain on the gradient background
August 15, 2023 • 8 min read

Intro to AI

Instead of boarding the ChatGPT hype train, let's learn the basics of AI first.

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A worn, black-and-white movie clapper board
June 14, 2023 • 4 min read

Take action and learn GitHub Actions!

Programmers love to automate stuff. But automation is beneficial only when it takes less time than it returns. With GitHub Actions, we may achieve that profit.

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Antique typewriter on dark wood
May 7, 2023 • 6 min read

The attitude of writing

What attitude to take during writing?

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  • Front-end, web development, and design news, examples, inspiration
  • Science theories and skepticism
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Do you have a project idea? Or any questions? You can write me an old-school email or direct message. Don’t hesitate. Seriously.